
Highly trained experts work in the area of research and development, to ensure continuous further development. The development of new ideas and products that are even more efficient and better aligned to customer benefits, is the main focus for the entire team.

The procedure

Development and research



Scheduling of execution steps and review of raw materials and product designs.



Creation of samples and prototypes to evaluate new raw materials and technological developments.


Machine tests

scale-up - increasing quantities up to production scale (transfer of laboratory results to industrial scale in process engineering)

Quality management and certification

Quality management and certification

The certification of our QM-SYSTEM according to DIN EN ISO 9001 in February 2006 was a milestone in our company history. You can find more information here.

Quality is our customer promise

High quality is an essential part of our company philosophy and therefore a promise to our customers. We invest 8% of sales annually in our research and development activities.